Get a concentrate of the best techniques for facial beauty

Online course from anywhere in the world
Освой профессию
по естественному омоложению
«Фейспластика» с нуля
Skin care
Face massage and faceplastic
Meditation practices

You will master the best exercises
that will help:

Reduce bruxism and teeth grinding
Make the contours of the face clearer and return the angle of youth
Reduce swelling of the face and heaviness in the head
Relieve tension from the muscles of the face and bones of the skull
Get rid of double chin and sagging cheeks
и другие естественные методы омоложения
We will reveal the secrets of face sculpting from the point of view of biomechanics from an osteopathic doctor

The author of the programs
Ales Ulishchenko

MD, DO, PhD, Osteopath, Healer
Has taught over 50,000 students
Ales Ulishchenko
The author of the programs

Сourse cost

Level 1

Faceplasty exercises
2900 AED


Healing & Meditation
6284 AED

Visceral practice

Healing & Meditation
6284 AED

Craniosacral practice

Healing & Meditation

Miofascial practice

Healing & Meditation
6284 AED

6284 AED

Training 6 weeks online
1650 AED

Skin care & Faceplastic healing exercises & Meditation

Submit a request to learn more about the program
Submit a request to learn more about the program
Submit a request to learn more about the program
Submit a request to learn more about the program
Submit a request to learn more about the program

United Arab Emirates Dubai
Al Thanyah First Smart Heights office 1108,
PO Box No. 450642
Educational Services Permit 630791, Dubai - UAE
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